Natural Medicine: Can you cure yourself with Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil

Oh Yes I did.  I made my own cannabis coconut oil.  You can too, and this is how and why you should......
According to medical researchers have proven that coconut oil makes you less hungry, contains ketones that reduce seizures, improves blood cholesterol, burns fat, and boosts brain function in Alzheimer’s patients. 
But more importantly, scientists have uncovered the potential of coconut oil to aid cannabis (marijuana) in the fight against cancer. 
Former US Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders wrote in a a report on March 26, 2004 titled “Myths about Medical Marijuana” and published in the Providence Journal:  “The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and AIDS — or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day.”
But relieving pain and symptoms is just the tip of the iceberg.  Medical marijuana is said to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and moderate autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Scientists believe that, coupled with coconut oil, the healing potential of medical marijuana is amplified even more. 
Medical marijuana capsules, infused in coconut oil, are an alternative way to therapeutically use cannabis without having to inhale it through smoking. Infusing cannabis into coconut oil also allows for easy entry into the liver where it can be rapidly processed. 
The Alternative Daily reports that coconut oil is used because of its high amount of essential fatty acids, which makes it a good binding agent for the cannabinoids.  Half of the fat in coconut oil is comprised of lauric acid.  Lauric acid is called a miracle ingredient because in the body it is converted to monolaurin, which is a potent antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-protozoal substance.  Monolaurin can destroy lipid-coated viruses including measles, flu, HIV, herpes, and a number of pathogenic bacteria. 
More and more medical researchers are intrigued by this powerful combination of cannabis and coconut oil.

cannabis leaves trim and some buds
coconut oil
If you are using fresh weed you really should decarboylate it first. 
When you smoke weed, the THCA molecule loses its carboxylic group (COOH) in the form of water vapor and carbon dioxide and becomes THC. Long story short, THCA becomes THC and your cannabis becomes psychoactive. This process is called decarboxylation or decarbing.When you smoke or vaporize marijuana, the cannabis is decarbed by the heat. If you ingest cannabis and want the full psychoactive effect, you need to first decarb your cannabis before you cook with it." according to
How to Decarboxylate 
The goal of cannabis decarbing is to activate the cannabinoids with minimal vaporization of cannabinoids or terpenes (cannabinoids responsible for how cannabis smells). The lower the temperature, the longer the decarb time required, but less loss of terpenes due to vaporization. Heating your cannabis in a closed container will also help reduce the loss of cannabinoids and terpenes by trapping any vapor and allowing it to be reabsorbed into the cannabis material as it slowly cools down after being decarbed. In a covered oven dish heat up you cannabis (leave,stems,buds if using) in the oven at abut 115 Celsius or 245 Fahrenheit for about 30-60min. 

The Infusion
You can infuse your coconut oil using a stove top and a double broiler, at a very low heat, the water should just be below boiling and the coconut oil should not smoke. Once you have warmed your liquid coconut oil, add your ground up plant matter. There is no need to add seeds, but stems are welcome! The strength and ratio of oil to cannabis is variable and up to your discretion. I used a 1:1 ratio, with enough coconut oil to cover the amount of cannabis in the bowl.

THC activates as low as 160 degrees F, and it starts breaking down at 350 degrees F, which is also the smoking point of coconut oil. Once the THC begins breaking down you are receiving less benefits.The goal is to keep the oil just below a simmer with occasional stirring
coconut oil
After about an hour, (or 5 if you have the time) you should notice the oil has turned green – this let’s you know it is done. .
When you are ready to jar the oil, prepare a large mason jar with a secure cheesecloth around the lid – a tight rubber band will do the trick. Then pour the green oil slowly into the jar, let it cool down and keep in the fridge.
This oil can be used in all kinds of recipes especially the raw food desserts work very well.


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