Thanksgiving Meatless Loaf

Thanksgiving Meatless Loaf

Thanksgiving Meatless Loaf
This is not your mama’s meatloaf.  This is not even your mama’s seitan loaf, tofu turkey, or nut roast.  It doesn’t taste like meat.  It doesn’t even pretend to have the texture of meat. But if you like savory, Thanksgiving flavors so concentrated that you can just skip the gravy and dressing, you will want to give this recipe a try.
I was inspired by the Comfort Loaf in Robin Robertson’s Vegan on the Cheap*, but instead of using vital wheat gluten, oatmeal, and bread crumbs, I decided to make my loaf gluten- and grain-free.  So it’s brown and slightly crispy on the outside like a traditional meatloaf, but the inside is almost as tender as mashed potatoes, partly because it does, in fact, contain mashed (sweet) potatoes.  The heady flavor and aroma come from the holy quartet of fall herbs–parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
Thanksgiving Meatless Loaf

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