New Raw Cookies, Bonbons, Truffels - free delivery (No sugar, gluten or lactose)

Superfood bon-bons

raw homemade vegan, sugar free, grain free, coconut Bon Bons with Cacao, Chocolate nibs, Chlorella, Goji Berries and Cookie Spice sweetened with green stevia


Christmas Cookies

Raw homemade sugar free, grain free, coconut cookies with Cookie Spice,(cinnamon, clove, ginger) Cacao, Chlorella, Goji Berries, Raw honey and Date - dehydrated 40 degrees celsius 

Winter Treats

raw homemade vegan, sugar free, grain free, coconut Bon Bons with Cacao, Dates, Cinnamon and Cardamom, sweetened with green stevia

Chocolate Chili Truffels

raw homemade vegan, sugar free, grain free, coconut Truffles with Cacao, Chili, Coconut and Dates
 for contactFREE DELIVERY in Amsterdam or Amstelveen area or FREE PICK UP IN AMSTELVEEN go HERE

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