8th International Alternative Medicine Conference
- Last Updated: October 09 2013
September 13-15, 2013 was the weekend that the 8th International Alternative Medicine Conference was hosted by Dr. Simon Yu MD in St. Louis, MO.
It was an enlightening event, and I am very happy to have attended. The speakers were superb and included Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Dr. Hal Huggins, Dr. Steve Fry, Dr. Garry Gordon, and several other excellent doctors and practitioners.
Disclaimer: Nothing in this text is intended to serve as medical advice. All medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority. This information was taken as notes during the conference and may not represent the exact statements of the speakers. Errors and/or omissions may be present. If you have any corrections to the content listed below, pleaseContact Me.
I have met Dr. Yu in the past at other events and had read his book a couple of years ago. It was an honor to learn more from him as I think he is another leading healer in the field. No one person has all of the puzzle pieces, but I am confident that Dr. Yu has several of them. His main areas of focus are on parasites, dental issues, heavy metals, and food allergies. The various tools that he uses for identifying potential stressors resonated with me very strongly. One of his primary tools is an EAV device that looks at stress or imbalance in the acupuncture meridians. I blogged more about my personal consult with him here.
First, I highly suggest you do two things:
1) Sign up for Dr. Yu's newsletter and review the resources on his web site at http://www.PreventionAndHealing.com
2) Get the book "Accidental Cure" and consider the other factors that may be impacting your health. It is a superb book that may open your eyes to an important but overlooked piece of your own personal journey.
Below is a summary of some of the highlights that I found the most striking from the event. I do not intend to fully cover all of the lectures over the three days. You can order any of the sessions in CD or DVD format from http://www.aurorarecording.com. These are probably some of the best prices you will find on recorded presentations from some of the top healers in the world. I attended the event and still ordered a couple of them to review again.
Simon Yu MD spoke on "Bio-Cybernetics and Energy Medicine: The Art of War on Cancer".
- He mentioned that in the war on cancer, you need to know your enemy, know yourself, and know the terrain. He mentioned that the same metaphor applies to any illness such as Lyme, CFS, and Fibromyalgia. We are engaged in a constant, perpetual war.
- Dr. Yu was a colonel in the army for 25 years.
- Doctors and dentists are the new generals in the war.
- Mentioned the example of indigestion and that we don't need antacids, but we often need digestive enzymes.
- On the operational front, we need things like glutathione to detoxify and PEMF to deliver nutrients into the cells.
- Overlooked dental issues can lead to cancers; specifically mentioned a case of breast cancer.
- Unconventional medical intelligence consists of things like EAV, various devices, Ondamed.
- Main area of focus include dental, parasites, allergies, metals, and nutrition and cleansing.
- We have to be sure that we do not self-sabotage.
- Dental issues are an asymetrical threat. Parasites are also.
- There is a quantum jump from natural parasite remedies to prescribed parasite remedies in terms of how effective they are in ridding the body of parasites.
- Parasites may be more advanced than humans themselves and control your mind and hijack your body. You are under their command.
- Know your enemy – nutrition, heavy metals, parasites, fungi, bacteria, virus, focal infections, allergies, environmental toxins, EMFs, emotional issues, spiritual disconnection, detoxification.
- He uses Acupuncture Meridian Assessment as a tool in his practice to identify potential areas of stress.
- Men often have iron excess by middle age as compared to women.
- Toxic metals replace vital minerals and lead to a breading ground for infections.
- He may use IV EDTA or IV DMPS or oral D-Penicillamine or oral DMSA.
- Average survival after chemotherapy for cancer was 3.5 years as compared to 12 years for those that received no chemotherapy at all.
- He suggested reading the paper "Cancer as a Metabolic Disease" by Thomas Seyfried.
- He mentioned the book "Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Parasites".
- He asked whether or not cancer patients were infected with parasites and whether a tumor could be the result of parasites?
- Hulda Clark was right on the money in terms of her connection between parasites and cancer.
- Some of the medications that may be used for parasites include Mebendazole, Albendazone, Metronidazole, Praziquantel, Iodoquinole, Tinidazole, Ivermectin, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Pyrantel Pamoate, Alinia, and Levamisole.
- Parasites can stay in the body for life.
- Need to use large amounts of medications or the lower doses just move the parasites around in the body.
- ½ of what we eat keeps us alive; the other ½ keeps the doctors alive.
- Gallbladder and liver flushes are mandatory and on his web site.
- If you don’t correct the underlying problem, the problem will always come back.
- Cancer begins in your mind, and that’s where you can get rid of it.
Dennis Cousino ND spoke on "Uncloaking Pathogenesis with Biofeedback Screening: EAV, EDS, BDT".
- Shared that the body will bury a toxin as a survival strategy if it cannot eliminate it.
- The meridians are access points and EAV is measuring the pressure of the volcano before it erupts.
- Allopathic medicine is what happens after the eruption.
- We have three times more lymphatic fluid than blood.
- We want clarity in the extracellular matrix.
- Mosquitoes do not breed swamps. Swamps breed mosquitoes.
- He often uses Physica Hydrangea Intrinsic. This is a gallbladder decongestant which commonly tests for his clients. Dandi Intrinsic is a good option for liver support.
- Leaky gut is caused by putrification and fermentation.
- The GALT (gastrointestinal associated lymphoid tissue) is very important. Serves as the security guards of the immune system.
- Infections and cancers are addressed by the Th1 arm of the immune response. The immune system is educated by the gut.
- The liver is a vascular system that filters 2 quarts per minute. It is a storehouse for vitamins and minerals, involved in the creation of bile, and metabolic regulation.
- Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant in the body.
- Elevated cortisol may be the result of infections, inflammation, pain, psychological or emotional issues.
- He talked about photon spin rate and that there is a left spin and right spin.
- Left spin opposes life, cannot absorb or eliminate properly, matrix is compromised, cellular communication is decreased.
- Right spin promotes life, absorbs nutrients, eliminates toxins, and cellular communication is enhanced.
Doug Cook DDS talked about "Hidden Problems".
- Wrote an excellent book "Rescued By My Dentist" which is available on his web site at http://www.dentistryhealth.com.
- Suggested learning the tooth energy chart. An organ can cause a tooth problem and a tooth can cause an organ problem.
- Bi-metal currents can be tested with an oral potential meter. Two different metals in the mouth can create a current that is damaging to health.
- Mentioned that a CEDS EDS 2000 can be helpful for looking for infections such as cavitations.
- Need biocompatible filling materials or the cavitation will not heal.
- Plaque pulls calcium out of enamel.
- We need to brush, floss, and wash (Waterpik or similar).
- Underwire bras are bad for health in general.
- Labels in clothing on GV meridian are not good.
- Glasses with metal frames are not good. Italee.com frames are a good option.
Hal Huggins DDS spoke on "The Changing Face of Lyme Disease".
Root canals and cavitations provide hiding places for infections.
- He recently struggled through his own personal issues with Lyme disease.
- Borrelia can get into the brain or into any tissue.
- The symptoms of mercury toxicity and Lyme overlap by 23 out of 25. You can no longer identify the cause of an illness by symptoms.
- ELISA and Western Blot testing are still highly inaccurate.
- There is a marriage between metals and microbes.
- An inflamed brain releases quinolinic acid. Quinolinic acid depolarizes neurons until they die.
- OspA is found early after infection and OspB and OspC later. These are outer surface proteins of the Borrelia organism.
- 1 amalgam filling gives the same mercury as 50 fillings prior to 1976.
- 53 different pathogens identified in root canals are stimulated by mercury, copper, nickel, and aluminum. Composites have aluminum in them.
- He asked if dentistry was a health profession or disease profession?
- He did darkfield on his own blood. Also found that he had Bartonella.
- Antibiotic treatments leads to suspended animation of the organisms which can live without food or water for up to 3 years.
- A microbe plus a metal catalyst leads to many different toxins.
- Mutants are created by mercury, nickel, copper, and aluminum.
- Atypical ALS, diabetes and other chronic conditions result from these mutants.
- Dental materials increase the opportunity for mutant diseases and new disease presentations.
- He mentioned the web site http://www.picturesoflymedisease.com
- When IL-6 and TNF-alpha are elevated, fatigue, malaise, and cognitive impairment may present.
- Dental materials may be a primary cause of multiple sclerosis.
- Lyme produces the same toxins that are produced in MS and these impact the nervous system.
- Cavitations are a hiding place for Lyme. 83 bacteria can be found in cavitations as compared to 53 in root canals. More than 10% of cavitations contain Lyme organisms.
- Do not ride more than 3 miles after a cavitation surgery as the vibration may impact the clot and healing process.
- For hematocrit , 46% is ideal. Below 42% is a problem and can be related to Bartonella in some cases.
- "Healthy" root canals had 53 different bacteria.
- Of 1600 samples that their lab have evaluated, 1600 were infected.
- Ochrobactrum anthropi is a bacteria that was found in all but one ALS patient.
- Low dose bacteriostatics may be best for treatment. They do not use bactericidals as they explode the bacteria and may lead to more immune response.
- Lyme is the disease of the future. It is in a lot of patients. We better learn. The future is here now.
- http://www.drhuggins.com
Jeffery Marrongelle DC spoke on "Foundational Physiology and Improving Patient Outcome".
- 3 forces impact our biology - biochemical, energetic, and informational.
- Has seen slower and slower recoveries in younger and younger people over time.
- Intracellular water is the water inside the cell. Extracellular water is the water volume outside
- the cell. The total water is compromised of the intracellular water and the extracellular water.
- Double Helix Water has an effect on both intracellular and extracellular water.
- "EZ-Water" may have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- 70% of the body is water and water is the first nutrient.
- Phase angle is an important marker. It is the measurement of capacitance of living cells when stimulated by 50khz AC current causing a lag between potential and current. Normal 6-10. Value is proportional to cellular health regardless of a patient's weight or if weight is increasing or decreasing.
- RJL Systems and LD Tech are vendors with products that can measure BIA and phase angle.
- Phase angle is improved with exercise, improved nutrition, increase in fat free mass relative to body mass, and improving hydration with quantity and quality of water.
- He also works with HRV testing.
- Has found that a cheap tilt table test is to measure the blood pressure and pulse while lying and standing.
- Suggested six key biomarkers that are valuable in assessing health status: Hemoglobin A1C, Homocysteine, hs-CRP, vitamin D, first morning urine pH, oxidized LDL/HDL and 8-Oxoguanine.
- Hemoglobin A1C is best under 5.4 for quality of life. 5.4 to 6 is average with mild risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 6.0 to 6.9 may correlate with diabetes type 2. Over 7 has the last quality of life and significant risk of death over 10 years.
- Homocysteine can be an indicator of methylation, detoxification, and transport. May be associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke risk. Carotenoids, garlic, ginger, onion, eggs may help. < 6 is good. 6-9 is mild. 9-15 is moderate. 15-20 is higher risk. If > 20, 36% have a cardiovascular event over 10 years.
- hs-CRP is a marker of inflammation. Shiel Medical Lab. The lower the vitamin D, the higher the CRP. 50-80 is the goal for vitamin D.
- For 1st morning urine, 5-6.5 will wear you out. 6.5-7.5 is best. 7.5 to 8 is a concern.
- For a vitamin C bowel flush, 4-10 grams are usually needed and is normal. More is a potential concern and less is potentially good.
William Faber DO spoke on "Immediate Improvement of Pain and Disability Using Osteopathic Neural Fascial Principles". He spoke about neural therapy and also mentioned that taking parasite medications can be most effective around a full moon.
Roger Benzanis DFRE spoke about "Diagnostic Face Reading Dynamics".
- He offers books and DVDs on this topic and it was quite interesting.
- Looking older is the hand you were dealt combined with the errors you make.
- Kidney, liver, and colon dominate the body.
- Any organism that is made to stand in its own waste will expire.
- Darkness under the eyes is adrenals. Shape of eye bags like shape of kidneys and thus bags under the eyes can be associated to kidney deficiency. Hair graying may be related to kidney.
Michael Rheme DDS spoke on "Biological Dentistry - a Paradigm Shift for the 21st Century".
- It’s the journey, not the destination.
- Spoke about mercury, root canals, and cavitations.
- Focuses on evaluating the diet and eating natural organic foods, improving the internal environment, and pH balance.
- Eliminate metals and other toxins and work on body cleansing and detoxification.
- Likes a product called "Tooth and Gum Tonic" for managing oral health.
- Suggested that one can add sodium ascorbate powder (Vitamin C) into the solution used with a Waterpik.
- Ozone can be very helpful.
- Supporting the immune system has positive impacts on the mouth.
- Over 50% mercury is found in "silver amalgams".
- Hot foods and tooth grinding can result in higher mercury releases from the amalgams.
- Likes the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology - http://iaomt.com
- For dental materials, one can do blood testing, EAV, or muscle testing to see what may be a better compatible fit for a client. BioComp and Clifford Testing can be done with blood.
- A device called the Jerome 431 can measure mercury vapor.
- Root canals are like leaving a dead organ in the body.
- Dental DNA testing can be done from Hal Huggins.
- Mentioned that nearly every time he opens a 3rd molar, he finds a cavitation.
- Ozone is negatively charged and bacteria and toxins are positively charged.
- Ozone bubbled through olive oil can be used in a nasal canula. Good for allergies, asthma, and sinus infections.
- http://www.toothbody.com
Dietrich Klinghardt MD delivered "The Toxic Metal Contaminated Terrain: Breeding Place for Pathogens and Parasites". It was one of my favorite talks from my primary mentor.
We are the summation of influences.
- Can cross a threshold governed by genetics, emotions, and trauma. Once the threshold is crossed, illness presents.
- 38 years in practice.
- Doing only dentistry can often get a patient back below the threshold.
- We used to focus on Lyme in the late 90's. In the last 15 years, we have had to get wiser and realize that everybody has everything.
- Mental fatigue, lack of zest, sleep issues, and short-term memory problems are common.
- You cannot tell what people have based on their symptoms anymore. There is too much overlap. Fatigue, insomnia, and brain fog are the same for many different conditions.
- Lifespan has gone backwards. Healthspan had exponentially decreased in last decade.
- Neurological illnesses are increasing exponentially.
- Genetic changes cannot be the cause of these illnesses as genes take 70 generations to change. Exploring genetics is valuable, but it is not the solution.
- The new normal is borderline autistic.
- There is a 25-fold increase in cancer over a 20 year period of cell phone use.
- Lack of minerals in foods may be a major factor contributing to modern illnesses.
- Commonly overlooked issues that impact toxin elimination and result in neurological illness over time:
- Parasites - the elephant in the room.
- EMFs - electric, microwave, and magnetic fields. We need to shield.
- Metal toxicity - detoxify
- Mold - mold treatment and/or mold detoxification
- Dental issues - root canals, amalgams, cavitations, galvanism, dental materials
- Methylation – involved in production of glutathione. Some patients improve with methylation support; many get worse. Has not been a huge breakthrough.
- HPU – 80% of patients; zinc and B6 issues.
- Vascular inflammation and CCSVI
- Desynchronized brain waves - CES device
- Tonsillitis and sinusitis
- Regulatory neuropeptides
- Mold grows 600 times faster in the presence of EMFs and produces more biotoxins. We live in a mold- growing culture plate as a result of the proliferation of EMFs.
- Many different kinds of parasites impact us. These include:
- Lungworm - found in over 80% of patients with fatigue
- Whipworm - can be helpful in suppressing autoimmune reactions and may be administered intentionally
- Roundworms – Ascaris, Volvulus, migrate to lungs at night
- Schistosomiasis – most common in the world after malaria; rampant in United States even without travel
- Strongyloides
- Rope worm – can be a significant treatment for autism. Currently there is no lab test for it. It is often incorrectly said to be mucus, biofilm, or "false lining" of the intestines.
- Lyme patients may still have positive Lyme tests but no symptoms after good parasite treatments.
- Infections like mold, biotoxins, Lyme may be addressed, but the toxins can remain for 32 years. Illness caused by infection is not identical with live bugs still being in there.
- Brain fog may be the results of parasites in the gut.
- Leishmaniasis is carried by dogs, horses, and cattle. It is not uncommon.
- 2 antiparasitic drugs cross the blood brain barrier - Alinia and Albenza.
- Mucus lining in the intestines may be parasites.
- Rope parasites trigger the gut to produce a body for it and it may be a mix of parasite and human DNA. Editor note: Additional information can be found at http://www.eng.usf.edu/~volinsky/FunisVermis/, http://www.eng.usf.edu/~volinsky/Gubarev/, http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1301/1301.2845.pdf, http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1301/1301.0953.pdf
- Cleaning up parasites often resolves Lyme, mold, autism, fatigue, and related conditions.
- Parasites thrive in metal-contaminated environments.
- Metal-enriched parasites cannot be addressed by the immune system.
- Parasites modulate the immune system and can impact TNF-alpha, TGF-b1, IL-6, and CRP. Resolution of parasites often reduces these markers.
- Over time, one can develop nutrient deficiencies and may covert testosterone to estrogen.
- Iodine, chromium, magnesium and other key nutrients can be low from parasite infections and oral supplementation often feeds parasites.
- Nutritional IVs feed you more than they feed the monsters. Oral supplementation may feed the monsters more than they feed the person.
- Parasite patients often behave like parasites. They can be clingy or sticky. Where did the humanity go in that person one might ask? When the parasites are addressed, the humanity comes back.
- Elimination requires work from both ends (orally and enemas) and radical toxin elimination.
- Lyme, coinfections, mold, autoimmunity, food allergies, CFIDS, colon/liver/pancreatic cancer are consequences of parasite infections not causes.
- If one has an ingrown toenail or a cancer, consider treating parasites.
- Studies show worms can be applied as indicators of biopollution. The more parasites in a whale's poop, the more mercury, lead, and cadmium the animal may carry.
- Parasites in us extract toxins in the system but live in us with a price. Immune dysregulation results. Parasites primarily are there to save us but at a price. It is an uneasy alliance.
- Getting a parasite out as a whole is the strongest detox treatment you can do. The metals within the parasite all come out with it.
- Lab testing for parasites in the United States often results in false negative results. You generally have 10 minutes to find them after the stool is passed.
- Metal burden may be up to 100 times higher in parasites than in the tissues of the host.
- Parasites act as a doctor for us, but come with a cost.
- Parasite treatment is best when they come out as a whole to not reabsorb metals.
- Treatment consists of stopping the foods and supplements that feed the parasites. If one is giving zinc and is still depleted, it may mean that the parasites are eating it. Establish a toxic metal detoxification and mineral replacement program. Implement a "Simon Yu Protocol". This may not work for the newly discussed rope parasite. Enemas and suppositories may be needed daily for 18 months along with oral options such as the Klinghardt cocktail protocols with artemisinin, mimosa, curcumin and ginger mix, and garlic.
- Mimosa pudica may help with the rope parasite.
- PEMF therapy, rife, and other beneficial electromagnetic fields may be useful.
- Chlorine dioxide protocols may be helpful and some have seen good results with CD enemas. After 5-20 enemas, creatures start coming out. Has not seen many that did not have dramatic improvements. It may take 18 months. The relative safety of chlorine dioxide was demonstrated in a study; it is likely safer than antiparasitic drugs (which are already relatively well-tolerated).
- Parasites can live in the sinuses and may need to be treated there also.
- For the rope parasite, people may want to look at the Gubarev enema protocols. In some that have been sick for years, they are back to work a month later. Consists of milk, eucalyptus leaves and eucalyptus oil. Enemas are discussed in more details in the Gubarev links provided above.
- Aluminum is a significant metal toxin.
- Macrophages cannot handle metals. They die attempting to carry mercury.
- Metals cause allergy and autoimmunity. Nickel is the most frequent metal allergy.
- Air has 25 times more mercury today than it did 100 years ago.
- Candida thrives in a mercury and lead contaminated terrain.
- Treating heavy metal toxicity indirectly also treats Candida.
- Molds can be handled by the immune system, but parasites cannot.
- Is aluminum the new fluoride, mercury, and Candida combined?
- Aluminum combined with mercury destroy the entire system.
- Aluminum can damage the blood brain barrier and lead to endothelial inflammation.
- One lab in Germany routinely finds people are very toxic with aluminum.
- Apheresis is performed in Germany to reduce toxicity including heavy metals.
- If the amount of aluminum filtered from the apheresis session was given by an IV to an elephant, it would likely kill the elephant.
- Removing the rope parasite is one of the best ways to detoxify the system.
- Aluminum detoxification can be supported with the O'Mura Miso/Cilantro soup recipe daily.
Garry Gordon MD, DO spoke on "Advanced Detoxification with Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise".
- Healthy nourished soil does not have weeds.
- Dr. Gordon wants to be renamed from "Father of Chelation" to "Dr. Detox".
- Mentioned the documentary Unleaded at http://www.unleadedmovie.com which talks about chelation.
- No matter how many IV chelations one might have, lead from the remodeling of bones continues to come out for 15 years.
- Detoxification is a lifetime program.
- We have 1000-2000x more lead today as compared to 700 years ago.
- It is hard to die of a heart attack if you don’t throw a clot.
- Beta-sitosterol is a natural option that is similar to cholestyramine.
- In 98% of cases, chemotherapy and radiation are rip offs.
- A magnet is like hitting a donkey over the head and waking up the lazy cells.
- Intranasal laser therapy may help to raise ATP.
- Revelar is a way to test to see how fast you are rusting inside from oxidation.
- When adding PEMF to protocols, it becomes clear on the Revelar that PEMF adds significant benefit. PEMF increases the effects of antioxidants 100 fold.
- Hydrogen is the most needed nutrient and antioxidant.
- Exercise and MICE (magnetically induced cellular exercise) induce self-cleaning or autophagy.
- PEMF can lead to a Herxheimer reaction.
- Mentioned the book Physics of the Future.
- Mentioned the web site MaxAwareness.com which has a tremendous amount of cutting edge health information.
- We are living on less than 5% of the magnetism that we once did.
- Arcadia Clinic is a hyperthermia clinic in Germany.
- A hyperthermia treatment system is being developed that works with a rectal probe.
- Men with bellies may have an estrogen deficiency and do well with a product such as Longevity Plus HRT.
- Zeolite does not take out good minerals and can be antimicrobial as well.
- Zeolites in hand cream with saran wrap may make hands appear younger.
Robert Harris DDS spoke on "Ozone Therapy for More Than Dentistry".
- He mentioned that "physician's bury mistakes; dentists pull theirs".
- The newer term for cavitation is fibrosing osteomyelitis.
- Ozone is a pro-oxidant and also acts as an antioxidant.
- When doing ear insufflation, moist gauze can be used to cover the ear piece of the stethoscope. It can be moistened with ozonated water or 3% hydrogen peroxide. Ear insufflation may be done for 3-5 minutes.
- Nasal inhalation is not inhaling ozone (as that can be dangerous) but rather the ozonides after the ozone is bubbled through olive oil.
- With ozone, there are 2 kinds of coughs. One is a productive cough and the other is a reaction to the ozone.
- Ozone is negatively charged. Organisms are positively charged. Inflammation and cancer are also positively charged.
- To learn more about ozone, visit http://www.ozonecourse.com or http://www.oxygenhealingtherapies.com.
- The American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry can be found at http://www.acimd.net or http://www.ozonefordentistry.com
Steven Fry MD did two different lectures and spoke on "Metagenomic Approach to Oral Disease: How Next Generation Sequence Analysis Describes Complex Oral Pathology" and "Evidence of Biofilm Protozoans in the Human Vasculature".
- Dr. Fry is the head of Fry Labs at http://www.frylabs.com.
- There are normal oral microbiota and abnormal microbes (often found in cavitations).
- There is an increase in acid-loving bacteria in dental infections.
- There is an entire database of oral microbione data found in the Human Oral Microbiome Database at http://www.homd.org/.
- 1/2 of gum disease is the result of smoking.
- 1/4 of people over 65 years old have lost all of their teeth.
- Fry Labs is now working with a new technology called RIDI (Rapid Infectious Disease Identification) where they can diagnose hundreds of bacterial organisms from a single sample. They are able to identify protozoan organisms as well and working on similar tests for fungal and viral diseases.
- The new technology does not require that you culture the organisms but amplifies with PCR and then sequences the sample.
- It can detect 1 to 3 organisms per 200 microliter sample.
- Blood, serum, bone, necrotic tissue, muscle, saliva, and urine can all be processed by the technology.
- The results can be available in as little as a day.
- This is the future of testing science.
- Dental flora has been found in atherosclerotic plaques.
- Protomyxzoa has been primarily found in mosquitoes but has now been found in ticks as well. These ticks were ticks, however, that had fed on humans.
- Thomas McPherson Brown used tetracyclines to treat autoimmune diseases decades ago. Some of his approaches are still quite useful today.
- Some biofilms are the strongest glues known to man.
- Biofilms consist of DNA, proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids.
- Most microbes live in biofilm communities. This is a rule; not an exception.
- There are new antibiofilm drugs that are in phase 2 clinical trials.
- Biaxin and Plaquenil has been an effective combination in his patient population.
- In ALS, there is often a protozoan and Ralstonia which is another biofilm former.
- Some biofilm formers include Acanthamoeba which has been found in contact lens solution and Trypanosomiasis brucei.
- Having had malaria may actually offer protection against Multiple Sclerosis. It could be that it serves like an immunization or that many of these people also take Plaquenil regularly which may indirectly treat MS if there is a malarial-like parasite present. Tetracyclines also work in MS.
- Roy Swank and John McDougall have created popular low fat diets. Protomyxzoa has been shown to grow much more with a fatty diet. The low fat diet often results in significant improvements in the patient's symptoms.
- In one study they conducted, 81% of mosquitoes carried protomyxzoa organisms.
- There are now 7 different types of protomyxzoa. It is likely that more will be found. It is a group of protozoan organisms, not just a single species.
- Commonly explored treatment options included Minocycline, Plaquenil, Malarone, and Ivermectin.
- Treatment can be mechanical removal of biofilms, lipid restriction (low fat diet), antimalarials or antiprotozoals, and anti-biofilm agents.
- Protomyxzoa is biofilm-forming, hematogenous (carried in the blood), vector-borne, lipid-loving, and drug and immune system resistant.
- Addressing biofilm could be a key treatment approach.
- Protomyxzoa is a very difficult problem.
- A broader spectrum enzyme may be helpful as opposed to just a proteolytic enzyme.
- EDTA rips out magnesium in biofilms and leads to the collapse of the biofilm. Some biofilms are calcium-dependent.
- Most biofilms require iron as a catalyst and silver interferes and stops biofilm production.
Dr. Klinghardt spoke again on the final day as a replacement for another speaker who had to leave the event due to illness. For me, this was a great bonus!
- Enema treatments are the low cost way to get 90% of the work done. Chlorine Dioxide enemas have proven very beneficial for some; based on the work of Kerri Rivera.
- Lyme is nothing more than an indicator for the increasing toxicity in our systems.
- The parasite burden in any species is directly proportional to the toxins in the environment that the species lives in.
- Whether one has a mold, Lyme, or viral label, these are all indicators of a toxic burden.
- Changes in the environment impact our state of health.
- Only the maladapted, sick parasites come out in the poop. The healthy ones aren't coming out in the poop.
- Parasites digest themselves via lysis when they die and come out in the poop making detection very difficult.
- Steve Fry is the guy to watch out for that will take us to the next level.
- Many parasite remedies also work for Protomyxzoa.
- Antiparasitic drugs will change everything and it is not uncommon to need far less supplements after the parasites have been addressed.
- Don't focus only on the metals as there are 20,000 chemicals and other toxins that are equally important to consider in a good detoxification protocol.
- Mercury and Aluminum are key players that block the enzymes we need for detoxification of other chemicals and toxins. Moving mercury and aluminum out liberates these enzymes.
- Aluminum is a difficult metal to get out.
- When inflammation is present, think aluminum.
- Ivermectin helps Babesia, Lyme, and several of the microbes we often think about in addition to parasites. It is a simple, beautiful drug that is generally well-tolerated.
- Ivermectin is created by soil bacteria to keep other organisms out of the soil.
- Albendazole and Alinia both cross the blood brain barrier.
- If someone has a history of seizures, they may have another with Alinia but it is often very effective in addressing the seizures longer-term.
- Chlorine dioxide enema protocol is the leading enema protocol for parasites at this time. Andreas Kalcker is one of the leading scientists. Kerri Rivera has adapted the protocols for autism.
- Gubarev is a Russian doctor with new protocols with milk enemas. Virtually every patient has dramatic improvement.
- Once a year, it may make sense to do a 2 week enema and worm drug protocol to reduce the body burden of parasites.
- Detoxification is every day for life. It is a strategy to live in this time that you cannot negotiate.
- Liposomal artemisinin can also be helpful in addressing parasites.
- With chlorine dioxide, it is now thought best to use Hydrochloric Acid as the activator rather than citric acid as citric acid may be an issue for those with yeast issues.
- Some success has been observed using chlorine dioxide in people with ALS.
- Ambient room hair has at least 25 times the mercury that it did 100 years ago.
- Hair analysis is still a favorite for metals, but it only shows what is being excreted.
- Porphyrin testing is also useful when looking at body burden of mercury and lead. Precoproporphyrin is associated with mercury burden and Coproporphyrin is associated with lead.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid is overrated.
- For lead, his favorite detox agent is Zinc DTPA.
- 100 times more metals come out with neural therapy with DMPS than with IV DMPS.
- 2/3 of the mother's toxins are passed on to the first-born child.
- Chlorella is very useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding at around 10 tablets three times a day.
- Whatever works for dioxin works for many things and chlorella has been shown to detoxify breast milk content by 33% with four tablets.
- Silica is one of the most important detoxification options and is a good option for aluminum detoxification. One can also add silica to the miso soup.
- Many zeolite products are aluminum based. With aluminum silicate, it is the amount of silica vs. the aluminum that is critical to remove the aluminum.
- Horsetail tea (silica), ZeoClear, and MicroSilica may be good options for aluminum detox.
- EDTA may have a moderate effect. DMSA and DMPS have very little effect.
- Intracellular glutathione needs to be kept high.
- Parasites don't like EMFs. Some find benefit doing a PEMF session and then a colonic and the parasites may then exit the body.
Timothy Guilford MD spoke about "Glutathione: Cancer Therapy". I had the opportunity to have breakfast with him prior to the talk, and I continue to believe that glutathione is important for most of us. It helps the body with heavy metals, mycotoxins, and other detoxification support.
- Heavy metals deplete glutathione.
- Glutathione can be helpful in cystic fibrosis.
- Mycotoxins block the formation of glutathione.
- TGFb1 decreases glutathione. When TGFb1 is elevated, glutathione levels can be reduced. Elevated TGFb1 in mold patients and cancer patients impact glutathione.
- Oxidative stress equilibrates with inflammation.
- GCLM enzyme is not found in the brain of autistic children and is key in the creation of glutathione.
- We are moving into an arena where cancer may be treated as an infectious disease.
- Low glutathione in the microenvironment alters the effectiveness of macrophages.
- Aflatoxin impacts the liver; ochratoxin the kidneys.
- Serum GGT is expressed when cells need glutathione.
- Alcohol can knock out glutathione.
- LDH may be elevated in some cancers.
- Increasing glutathione can help allergies and inflammation.
- http://www.DrGuilford.com
Paul Johnson is a chaplain that works with Dr. Yu. He mentioned that our spiritual experience is about purpose, meaning, and hope. He also shared that fear, guilt, shame, anger, and blame create toxicity in the body.
Simon Yu MD wrapped up this amazing event with "Energy Medicine on Parasites, Dental, and Cancer".
- Dental issues and parasites are missing links for the "incurables".
- He uses Acupuncture Meridian Assessment as a tool in his office to identify which meridians are "out of tune".
- Health care is a war. We have General Klinghardt, General Gordon, and Colonel Yu.
- Amalgams, root canals, galvanism, cavitations, TMJ, implants, metals, bonding materials, metal allergy, composite metals, drills, biologic dentistry, proprioception, parasites and bruxism, and pleomorphic organisms must all be considered.
- Parasite medications and good dental care are anti-aging options. In horses, parasite medications can double life span.
- God does not forgive because there is nothing to forgive. Mentioned "Radical Forgiveness" book.
- http://PreventionAndHealing.com
- See more at: http://www.betterhealthguy.com/yu-conference#sthash.xCIvvhDv.D9Xe0khv.dpuf
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