Natural Cleaning Products - do it yourself recipes

Skip the Harsh Chemicals &Clean Your Home Naturally

In Dr. Morrison’s book, Cleanse Your Body,

Clear Your Mind, he gives many simple steps

people can take to decrease their exposure to

toxins. One recommendation he gives is to

eliminate household chemicals from the


Most cleaning products you’ll find at the store

are loaded with chemicals and toxins and

many contain pesticides. No one wants to fill

their living space with poisonous substances,

instead make your own natural cleaning

products. Substitute your cleaning chemicals

with these household items:

Baking soda: Absorbs odors and

chemicals and can be used as a mild

abrasive. It can remove stains from the

bathtub or toilet and remove grime from

a dirty oven.

Borax: A mineral compound (sodium

borate) that is a disinfectant, deodorizer,

mold inhibitor, and mild abrasive.

White vinegar: Cuts grease, deodorizes,

and dissolves sticky buildup and mineral


Lemon juice: One of the strongest foodacids,

effective against most household

bacteria, cuts grease, dissolves sticky

buildup, and has a bleaching effect.

Vegetable-based dish soaps: Use a

vegetable based soap that is made out of

olive oil, such as castile soap.

Cornstarch: Can #be used to clean

windows, remove grease stains, polish

furniture, and shampoo carpets and rugs.

By combining the items mentioned above, you

may create your own alternative cleaning

products. Here are some ideas:

All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix 1 teaspoon

borax, 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon

juice, 5 drops essential oil of lavender,

and 2 cups hot water.

Air Fresheners: 1.) Baking soda or

vinegar with lemon juice in small dishes

absorbs odors around the house. 2.)

Having houseplants helps reduce odors in

the home. 3.) Prevent cooking odors by

simmering vinegar (1 tablespoon in 1 cup

water) on the stove while cooking. 4.)

Grind up a slice of lemon in the garbage

disposal. 5.) Simmer water and cinnamon

or other spices on stove. 6.) Place bowls

of fragrant dried herbs and flowers in

room. 7.) Put ½ cup of borax in the

bottom of garbage pails. 8.) Place a box of

baking soda in the refrigerator to absorb

bad smells.

Carpet stains: Mix equal parts white

vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray

directly on stain, let sit for several

minutes, and clean with a brush or

sponge using warm soapy water. For fresh

grease spots, sprinkle cornstarch onto

spot and wait 15-30 minutes before

vacuuming. For a heavy duty carpet

cleaner, mix 1/4 cup each of salt, borax

and vinegar. Rub paste into carpet and

leave for a few hours. Vacuum.

Coffee and tea stains: Stains in cups can

be removed by applying vinegar to a

sponge and wiping. To clean a teakettle

or coffee maker, add two cups water and

1/4 cup vinegar, bring to a boil. Let cool,

wipe with a clean cloth and rinse

thoroughly with water.

Floor cleaner: Vinyl floors: use a

mixture of ½ cup vinegar, ¼ cup borax

and 1 gallon hot water. Wood floors: use a

vegetable soap like castile soap or

Murphy Oil Soap.

Furniture and floor polish: Use 2 parts

olive oil, 1 part white vinegar, and

essential oil for scent; another option is to

use mineral oil with a few drops of lemon

juice for each pint.

Mothballs: The common mothball is

made of paradichlorobenzene, which is

harmful to liver and kidneys. Cedar chips

in a cheesecloth square, or cedar oil in an

absorbent cloth will repel moths. The

cedar should be 'aromatic cedar' also

referred to as juniper in some areas.

Cedar chips are available at many craft

supply stores. Homemade moth-repelling

sachets can also be made with lavender,

rosemary, vetiver and rose petals. Dried

lemon peels are also a natural moth

deterrent - simply toss into clothes chest,

or tie in cheesecloth and hang in closet.

Toilet bowl cleaner: Mix 1/4 cup baking

soda and 1 cup vinegar, pour into basin

and let it set for a few minutes. Scrub with

brush and rinse. A mixture of borax (2

parts) and lemon juice (one part) will also


Glass cleaner: Mix & cup white vinegar

to 1 cup water and spray on with bottle.

Mold and mildew cleaner: Mix 1

teaspoon borax, 3 tablespoons white

vinegar, and 2 cups hot water, spray on

surface and scrub off mold; to inhibit mold

growth spray a few more times but don’t

wipe off.

Oil and grease spots: For small spills on

the garage floor, add baking soda and

scrub with wet brush.

Oven Cleaner: Moisten oven surfaces

with sponge and water. Use 3/4 cup

baking soda, 1/4 cup salt and 1/4 cup

water to make a thick paste and spread

throughout interior. (Avoid bare metal

and any openings.) Let sit overnight.

Remove with spatula and wipe clean.

The next time you run into a messy disaster in

your home, don't run out to the store for

expensive chemicals, turn to your pantry and

use what you already have!


Morrison, Jeffrey. Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your

Mind. - Keep Your Home Safe by

Using Natural Cleaning Products

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