Make your own Amazing Medicines with Kombucha or Create an Oxymel

After Brewing kombucha for at least 8 days, Remove the Kombucha Mushrooms and strain into a mason jar.
Add one Herbal T-Bag  
Stand “the Elixir” in a window sill or some place warm for 1-2 days.
Strain again, re-bottle and keep refrigerated.
   Drink 8 ounces daily for one week.There are literally hundreds of claims made everyday. However since each brew is individual and dependant upon a great many factors your results will vary. Most common claims are Increased Energy, Weight Loss or Gain,  Better Sleep,  Body Building Benefits, Reduced Stress, Relaxation and a general feeling of well being … Remember your results will vary... 
"Medicinal herbs" prescribed for a specific individual (not a broad category of disease) be added after the Kombucha (brewed with normal Black Tea) has "aged" 14 days or longer.
The longer brewing time is mandatory to complete the sugar conversion and reduce the pH as low as possible.

Home Made Kombucha Herbal Vinegar

1. freshly powder, cut up or break into small pieces your choice of herbs. the quantity and combination of herbs will depend upon presentation

2. Place the Kombucha Vinegar and herbs in a pint or quart mason jar with lid. Better results are possible following typical canning procedure but are not necessary.

3. Place in direct sunlight for 2 days

4. Strain and drink.

When Considering Which herbs to Add Teas high in oils (volatile may destroy the kombucha culture. The oil may suffocate the kombucha by cutting off the oxygen supply They should not be used alone, add these tea AFTER brewing.
Adding medicinal herbs AFTER brewing results in a more predicable results.

Herbs for specific conditions
CELERYnatural diuretic, relief of rheumatism. (1/3)
CHAMOMILEcarminative and sedative. gastro-intestinal disorders. (1/4)
ELDER FLOWERS blood purifier, gentle laxative. (1/1)
GENTIAN promotes digestibility. (1/5)
GOLDEN ROD beneficial for kidneys and urinary tract. (1/2)
HAWTHORN cardiac tonic. stimulates the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. Regulates blood pressure and heart action. (1/2)
HORSETAIL urinary tract disturbances, also for bed wetting. (1/2)
MARSHMALLOW ROOTdigestive and respiratory inflammation (1/3)
MOTHERWORTantispasmodic heart tonic, anxiety; nervous irritability over active thyroid. for female complaints and nursing mothers. (1/3)
MULLEINcleansing expectorating effect on respiratory tract mucous . (1/2)
PAWPAW see essiac tea, kombucha and Cancer page 13
PEPPERMINT stomach intestinal complaints. disinfectant, carminative. promotes flow of bile - helps flatulence, vomiting, soothes nausea. (1/5)
SAGE blood cleanser, suppresses perspiration. thyroid glands disorders or during menopause, irregular and painful menstruation. Gargles for laryngitis, tonsillitis, ulcerated and sore throats. (1/4)
SHEPHERD'S PURSEuterine hemorrhages. menstrual difficulties. nose, mouth, bladder respiratory tract. Regulates high / low blood pressure. (1/3)
ST. JOHN'S WORT nervous disorders. depression hormonal imbalance. (1/4)
VALERIAN ROOTinsomnia and calmative. (1/5)
STINGING NETTLErheumatism - to reduce excess acidity. (1/3)
YARROWFor bleeding. hemorrhoids. Varicose, menstrual disorders. improves circulation, antispasmodic. (1/4)
Herbs by Symptoms
AIDSKombucha fermented teas immune system supporting teas such as Echinacea are used. mixed with green tea for better fermentation.
Research shows that Kombucha fermented common tea showed the best results in herbal treatment of arthritis. Other teas: Golden Rod, Hyssop, Polar
Blood Pressure(according to Tietz) Hawthorn is the best herb to balance blood pressure. For high blood pressure one cup is taken each morning and evening, For low blood pressure half a cup is taken each morning and each evening. Other teas may be taken to alter or as an addition to Hawthorn tea like Dandelion, Elder Flowers, Heather-scotch, Stinging Nettle, Sage, Scurvy Grass, Strawberry
Essiac, a mixture of Burdock root arctium lappa, Rhubarb root rheum palmatum Sheep Sorrel rumex acetosa and Slippery Elm ulmus fulva, became very popular in the last few years in cancer self Treatment Paw Paw Leaf powder (Carica Paypaya)
GoutDandelion 2, Stinging Nettle 1, Horsetail 2, Birch 1, Rosehip (with seed) 1, Raspberry 1
Some women reported that they have started menstruating regularly since they started drinking Kombucha even when they had no menstruation for up to eight years. Other women reported that early in their menopause they menstruate regularly after using Kombucha.
Mixture MA: Hawthorn 1, Melissa 2, Orange Flowers 1, St. John's Wort 1, Dandelion 2, Sage 1, Yarrow 2
Mixture MB: Peppermint 1, Melissa 2, Hops 1, Valerian 1, Hawthorn 2, Yarrow 2, Mistletoe 1, Senna 1, Chamomile 1
For women suffering headaches at the same time
Mixture J: Green tea 2, Melissa 2, Hops 2, Peppermint 2, Hawthorn 2, Yarrow 2, Mistletoe 1, Senna 1, Chamomile 1
hot flashesdrink one cup of sage in the evening.
MigraineMate 1, Jasmine 1, Speedwell 1
ObesityElder Flower 2, Buckthorn Bark 1, Lady's Mantle 2, Calendula 1, Dandelion 1, St. Benedict's 1
RheumatismAngelica 1, Dandelion 2, Celery 1, Couch Grass 1, Sarsaparilla 1, Corn Silk 1
Sexual potencyHops, Loveage
ThyroidMotherwort, Sage
Water retentionStinging Nettle
additionally: According to Hippocrates – the father of modern medicine, the combination of vinegar and honey called Oxymel created the foundation for many medicinal herbal formulas as well. 

Oxymel Recipes

Oxymels! Oxymel – from the Latin oxymeli meaning “acid and honey” has been made and used in many ways throughout the ages and it’s a recipe that can be adapted to suit your health and herbal needs.

Traditionally, an Oxymel recipe would be used to administer herbs that might not be so pleasant to take on their own.  Additionally, some of the more pleasant herbs can become even more delightful after a bath in honey and vinegar! 

 After you try your hand at making an Oxymel,  you might find that it will go nicely in some bubbly water on a warm day, on top of freshly-made pancakes, on  a bed of fresh greens from your garden, by itself, or with some warm water to help keep your spirits and throat happy during times of stress. You can change the combination of herbs to aid you in whichever way you like.

Who doesn’t love apple cider vinegar and honey? Apple cider vinegar and honey alone are a soothing treat to an exhausted throat, but throw in some of your favorite herbs for supporting a healthy functioning immune system and we have a medicinal friend: Oxymel! 

(Somewhere along the path of herbal history, Rosemary Gladstar whipped up a version using classic ingredients like ginger, garlic, cayenne, and horseradish and called it fire cider.)

What you will need:
Raw apple cider vinegar is a great way to make an alcohol free extract.

Oxymel Ingredients

Organic herb possibilities for a throat soothing immune boost:

Generally speaking, you want a ratio of 1:3 – 1:4 .   That is to say 1 part dried herb to 3 or 4 parts vinegar and honey. You can easily measure by filling a pint jar less than 1/4 of the way with herbs and then topping with equal parts honey and equal parts vinegar. I’ve noticed the older techniques prefer more honey, up to 5 parts honey to 1 parts vinegar, and the newer recipes call for more apple cider vinegar, as much as 3 parts vinegar to one part honey.  I prefer half and half.  You can find a ratio that suits you! For storage, I prefer a glass jar with a cork top.

Method 1: Stir, Shake, and Sit
Good method for a variety of herbs!
Place desired herbs into pint jar (1/4 – 1/5 of the way full), cover with apple cider vinegar and honey.  You can stir before sealing the jar, or seal the jar and shake until well mixed. Now let your jar sit somewhere cool and dark and shake a couple of times a week. After two weeks, strain and pour into a glass jar for storage.
Method 2: Vinegar Reduction
Great for non-delicate herbs and hearty roots!
If you’re in a pinch and need an Oxymel  quickly, you can always experiment with a vinegar reduction.  I would not use this method for especially aromatic or floral herbs, as it may be too harsh of an extraction process with heat causing the aromatics to dissipate.  In my recipe, it worked well, bringing out the aroma of all herbs perfectly evenly! Apple cider vinegar steam can be very intense, so be careful not to put your face and eyes over the pot while it is simmering (it will not feel good if you do!)  You will want to use twice as much vinegar as you need in the end, since this is a reduction and you will loose half of it in the process to evaporation. Reduce for 30-40 minutes on low heat.  Once you are done, let cool and strain,  mix herbal decocted vinegar with equal parts honey until well mixed and store in an airtight bottle.

Method 3: Infusing Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar Seperately
Nice option for especially delicate herbs.
This is a very easy way to make an Oxymel if you already have infused honey and infused apple cider vinegar, or one or the other. If you have previously infused apple cider vinegar or honey you simply get to mix them together using a ratio that suits you and enjoy! If you regularly cook with herbal infused honeys and vinegars and have some of your favorites sitting around, this can be a great way to turn your culinary spice into a soothing treat!

Source: http://mountainroseblog.coms

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