When you have Lyme, part of the issue - Neurotoxins ....

Many people fail to get the bull's eye rash (which is proof positive of Lyme infection). Unfortunately, the tests are unreliable as well and many physicians--even those at the exalted Mayo Clinic-- are not familiar with the complexity of Lyme Disease and its co-infections. According to the Center for Disease Control, the diagnosis needs to be made based on symptoms---which vary widely for this confounding illness. Relapses are common, especially when co-infections are involved. When in doubt, people need to be treated immediately. Ten dollars worth of doxycycline is a small price to pay when it can prevent years of sickness that become many thousands of dollars to treat once Lyme damages the brain, heart, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, eyes, ears and every other organ. The Lyme spirochete is a third cousin to syphilis. It's nothing to fool around with.

of the Borrelia burgdorferi Bacteria

What is Neurotoxins: 
A neurotoxin is a poison that acts specifically on nerve cells. Neurotoxins are attracted to the nervous system, are then absorbed by nerve endings and then travel inside the neuron to the cell body. There they disrupt vital functions of the nerve cell. 
Sources of Neurotoxins:
Neurotoxins are caused by heavy metals, Aspartame, MSG, Sodium Nitrite in processed  meats, alcohol, Fluoride, Aluminum Zirconium, paints, cocaine, statins,food additives,viruses, fungi, molds, mycoplasma,enteroviruses, Chlamydia pneumonia, Candida,parasites and protozoans (in the case of Babsiosis)and bacteria (as in the Lyme Bb bacteria) ..to name only a few of the 1178 chemicals officially listed as neurotoxins and the various bacteria's.
Neurotoxin Poison released by the Bb Bacteria :
The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, in their life process (living and dying) release nerve poisons/toxins/biotoxins (similar to Clostridium botulinum) and are believed to be the cause, both directly and indirectly, of most, if not all, the symptoms of Lyme disease.
These toxins are dumped into the intersitial fluid and circulated throughout the body, until they can either be eliminated by the body or get lodged in areas of weakened tissues or fat cells- all the while causing problems with the nerves and distorting the messages of the nerves to any or all areas of the body.
Acetylcholine and Dopamine:
One of the known actions of the Lyme spirochete toxin is to diminish the release and the availability of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and dopamine. As this poison lingers in the body it leads to forgetfulness, loss of enthusiasm, the speed which the brain processes information is diminished, disorganization, lack of planning, not knowing “what to do next,” the inability to focus attention, difficulty moving, balance problems, stiffness, rigidity, achy muscles and loss of coordination. If it produces too much acetylcholine it can produce feelings of paranoia. Usually the longer one is ill with Lyme, the more neurotoxin poison is present in the body.
The effects of Bb bacteria neurotoxins:
The Bb neurotoxins are drawn to the fatty tissue found in the brain and peripheral nerves. They are capable of causing neurologic dysfunction in the central nervous system, such as the spinal cord, brain stem, cause  muscle weakness and cognitive impairments, chronic pain, severe inflammation and more.
The Bb neurotoxin can affect any and all body systems through the inactivation of acetylcholine. When the neurotransmitters, acetylcholine,is diminished and inhibited by the Bb toxin it causes inflammation. It causes the nerves to be sabotaged/interrupted such as for the calming of smooth muscle found in the heart,for muscle contraction in skeletal muscles,intestines,and many other parts of the body, including the detoxification organs. (This can further impair or block the route for normal excretion, causing an accumulation of toxins within the body.) 

Neurotoxins are attracted to the nervous system, absorbed by nerve endings and travel inside the neuron to the cell body disrupting vital functions of the nerve cell and may lodge there long after the Bb infection is gone.  

Neurotoxin and toxins Overload
When the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria dies,the dead cell holding the remnants of the Bb bacteria and 

filled with Bb toxic sludge floats about in the interstitial fluid.From
 there it normally goes into the detoxification systems. But, if the detoxification systems have been impaired the toxin filled interstitial fluid will get into the bloodstream where the toxins are circulated throughout the body causing  the body to feel poisoned and ill.

Overload 1: Neurotoxins and other toxins may have been accumulated in the body prior to the Lyme infection.
Overload 2: Neurotoxins and other toxins (from other sources) are presently being absorbed or ingested thus adding to the Bb and co-infection neurotoxin load. 
Overload 3: The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria prefers to travel through collagen more than the blood. So the Bb's clogs up the lymphatic system and cause the blood to thicken. This leads to poor blood flow through the liver and a stickiness of the interstitial fluid. As a consequence detoxification is slowed down to poor and the toxins remain in the body longer affecting the body negatively.(poisoning it)

Overload 4: Adding anything that kills Bb bacteria, will immediately cause an abundance of sludge in the interstitial fluid. The detoxification systems will back up... get plugged... have too much to handle. The toxins will go into the blood stream, circulating throughout the body, and the person will be sick.(Herxheimer response) 
Bb Activity Manifests Symptoms of Lyme Disease
In Lyme disease the interstitial fluid becomes sticky and sluggish from the activity of the Bb's. The lymphatic system plugs up, the liver isn't as efficient because the blood is thickened, cells begin to receive weak nutrients, the flushing of toxins is slowed or poor,toxins are left to linger in the collagen and/or become trapped in various areas of the body. Systems are disrupted... Neurotoxins are absorbed in the neurons in the brain and peripheral nerves.The neurotoxins and poisons set off reactions in the body and manifests an array of symptoms; sudden deafness, Parkinson’s, ALS, Multiple sclerosis like symptoms, disorders of the brain,  disruption in thehormones, muscles, nerves,and bones are suddenly painful... It causes an ongoing inflammatory reaction. Chronic pain... The neurotoxins of the Bb bacteria manifest the symptoms of Lyme Disease through nerves and inflammation.
Is it possible to rid the body of neurotoxins: YES!
  • Stop ingesting or absorbing other neurotoxin producers. (lessens the load).
  • Practice daily whole body detoxification.
  • Flush  and give support to the detoxification systems.
  • Eradicate the Bb bacteria and co-infections permanently
  • Example of eliminating the Bb bacteria permanently is by doing Coiling,along with  whole body detoxification. 

  • What is the interstitial fluid? It is the water solvent that bathes the tissue cells with nourishing nutrients as well as to take away waste products (the die off)to be processed through the Lymphatic System. The interstitial fluid is found in the tissue spaces. It is a water solvent of amino acids, sugars, fatty acids, coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, salts, and cellular products. The interstitial fluid baths the tissue cells with nutrients and it also removes metabolic wastes, including the cell die off and residues.
    What is die-Off: When the Bb dies or is destroyed, debris and material from the dead cell floats in the interstitial fluid. The body works to clear the matter through the detoxification organs. When there is an over abundance to clear away or the toxins get backed-up by clogged detoxification systems and the person experiences flu like symptoms called the Herxheimer reaction

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