My Dehydrated Buckwheat Cookie Spice Crackers

My favorite crackers are almost cookies.
I use the following ingredients in the dehydrator for about 11-12 hours at 40 degrees Celsius depending on how thick you lay them in the dehydrator.  You don't need and expensive dehydrator, I bought a cheaper round version.  My crackers may not be very pretty, but they taste good and I eat them every day, no more cravings for bread when I can make crackers instead.


  •  soaked chia seeds
  • soaked blond flax seeds
  • soaked sunflower seeds
  • and pumpkin seeds (sometimes)
  • almond flour (optional)
  • then add spices- cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger, liquorice, anise ( also known as cookie spice)
I don't give exact measurement because I rarely measure, just put it in bowl to soak, then add the spice and put it in the food processor.  When it looks smooth I spread it out into the dehydrator, I make up to six trays at a time.  Turn on the dehydrator, and let go for several hours 10-12, I check them every so often to see how crispy they are, when dry I place them in a container to keep them fresh.
Really easy.

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