Fudge Balls

Chocolate Fudge Babies

Original Fudge Babies

(paleo fudge balls)
  • 1 c walnuts (120 grams)
  • 1 and 1/3 cups pitted dates (220 grams) (I often use SunMaid dates, which are super-soft.)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • optional: 1/8 plus 1/16 tsp salt (I always add this.)
  • 3-4 tablespoons cocoa powder (or even Dutch cocoa)
Blend all the ingredients, using a food processor, Magic Bullet, etc.  (No need to blend the dates first; I just blend everything all at once in a Cuisinart food processor, which works much better than a blender.) Roll into cutey-pie little balls.  (Use plastic wrap if you wish, or smush it all together in a plastic bag so it’ll stay together better.) Or, if you want true brownies, shape the dough into bars!


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