Parasite Treatment Suggestions

What is a Parasite?
An organism that lives in or on a second organism, called a host, usually causing it some harm. A parasite is generally smaller than the host and of a different species. Parasites are dependent on the host for some or all of their nourishment. For example, a tapeworm, a flattened worm that lives in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, lacks an intestine of its own and must absorb predigested food from the intestine of its host. This food is the tapeworm's only energy source for growth and reproduction. Parasitism affects most life forms, from bacteria infected by the viruses known as bacteriophages, to humans, who are subject to more than 1000 parasites known to cause disease.
Why be concerned?
Why be concerned about parasites, most of which can remain asymptomatic for years, even decades? As they metabolize and excrete, they release neurotoxins, which skewer the emotions and mental functions; toxins that acidify the tissues and predispose one to chronic degenerative diseases of all kinds including cancer; and lectins that promote metastasis. The acidity promotes fungal problems and tissue oxygen deprivation. They damage tissue directly and can obstruct organ function. They increase our need to detoxify thus overworking the organs of elimination (Lungs, Kidney, Liver, Skin, and Bowel). They carry viruses with them and so gradually wear down the immune system making us even more vulnerable to their invasion and other microorganisms. They can be the hidden cause of many diseases of unexplained etiology because most labs can't detect them, coining in at about a 50% false negative rate. There are at least 1000 species of parasitic organisms that can inhabit mammals and humans and the labs look for about 50 - 60 species only. On autopsy, veterinarians report that during all animals lifetime, some form of parasite will have visited every tissue in its body.
We're being eaten alive by creatures that are extremely adept at survival and reproduction. It's usually what we don't know or can't see that gets us.
We live in a melting pot here in the US. under the illusion that we're in the Ozzie and Harriet land of the squeaky-clean 50's. The truth seems to be that we are eating in restaurants the equivalent of downtown Bombay or Mexico City. The most apparent part of this problem is that as people move here from abroad, bringing their parasites with them, they also bring their methods of hygiene ~ which don't work. In their own countries, where they have long standing culture, they know from tradition how to eat and thereby cope with parasitic problems. In Mexico they eat lots of chili, which turns on the hydrochloric acid and kills bugs before they can get in, and then follow with corn chips, which mobilize the lymph and helps to control infection. In India they eat lots of spicy curry and pickles, and the creamy deserts target the lymph.
But you bring a parasite to the US and we normally eat foods that reduce hydrochloric acid, this fact worsened by the fact that stress turns off hydrochloric acid - and we mostly eat on the run. It used to be that we told our patients who were going abroad to take a low potency HCL supplement with them and to take one before everything they ate - it worked, if they did it, and they came home clear. Now we tell our patients that live in a metropolitan American city to do the same whenever they eat at a restaurant and to use Dioxyclor or Citricidal soaks for their food. (More information below)
Parasite Prescription Sheet
Please work up to the suggested dosage gradually
(Teamwork Concepts) 3 capsules upon rising and at bed.
Paradex Herbal Formula:(Progressive Labs) 2 capsules 3 times daily between meals.
(Progressive Labs) teaspoon 2 times daily before meals.
As with all herbals, start with a small dose (1/2 dropper full in some water or juice) to see if it upsets your stomach. If there is no reaction within an hour, proceed. If you have a mild stomach reaction, try taking it with food. Increase the dose until you can take 2 - 8 dropperfuls 2 times a day in 6 oz. of water or juice on an empty stomach and stay at that dose for 3 to 4 weeks, Do not use during pregnancy or while nursing unless supervised by a physician.
Children up to one year take 1/8th the adult dose, age 1-4 takes 1/4 dose, and age 4-12 takes 1/2 dose. Children typically do not need to take it for long and do not need as many of the additional remedies as adults. If you can't stand the taste, prior to dose, fill 'OO' gel capsules. Do not try to pre fill and store the caps as they will melt.
After successful completion of the initial Silver & Clove program, stay on 1 teaspoon of 15 ppm colloidal silver in 6 oz. water twice a day taken on an empty stomach for 25 days to kill any residual single celled eggs.
If you are very sensitive or reactionary try the following:
6 Wobenzyme 2 times a day between meals. Mix Silver & Clove with cranberry juice. Start with a 1/2 dropperful 2 times daily.
(Life Center) 2 tablets 2 times daily empty stomach.
Wobenzyme N:
(Marlyn) 3 tablets 3 times daily empty stomach.
MSM 1000:
(UltraBotanics) 2 capsules 2 times daily before meals.
(BioRay) 6 dropperfuls 2 times daily in water or juice empty stomach.

Ascaris Lumbricoides
3 weeks
Balantidium Coli
4 weeks
Blastocystis Hominis
4 to 6 weeks
3 weeks
Dientamoeba Fragilis
4 weeks
Entamoeba coli
3 to 4 weeks
Entamoeba histolytica
3 to 6 weeks
Entamoeba hartmanni
2 to 4 weeks
Intestinalis: A unique balanced blend of herbs with scientific and/or anecdotal evidence as remedies for intestinal infection, especially THE PROTOZAL SYNDROME.
Protozoa, - Entameba histolytica and Giardia lamblia Helminths, - round worms and flat worms
Strains of Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas (common causes of the "Touristas")
Relief of accompanying gastrointestinal symptoms, nausea, - vomiting, - indigestion, acidity, - malabsorption, gas, - distention, abdominal discomfort, spasm, bloating, - irregular bowel movements, - diarrhea and or constipation, - varied stool formation, anal irritation.
Oxy-Oxc: If the patient is constipated you don't want to be shredding or killing parasites as the huge toxic load will stay in the body. It is essential that their bowels remain open. Work up to the dose that works, everyone is different.
Paradex Herbal Formula: This product should be used if round worms, pin worms, flat worm or tapeworms are suspected. If the larger parasites are suspected, begin therapy with Silver & Clove for a week or so. There is a belief that anti ameba therapeutic formulas can 'scare' the larger worms out into the surrounding tissue so it is best to kill them first and sweep them out.
Multidophilus Powder: (10 billion strain) Even though Silver & Clove does not kill the friendly bacteria, be sure to take a high powered Acidophilus / Bifidus flora supplement 2 times a day before meals as the parasites damage the flora.
MSM 1000: This is MethylSulfonylMethane or nutritional sulfur. It heals inflammation and ulceration caused by parasites in the intestines, helps stimulate detox, helps clean the intestines, and competes for the binding sites with the parasites.
Detox and Support: It is also advisable to use a psyllium containing bowel cleanser on arising and at bedtime on each day of the program. This assures that the carcasses are swept out of the gut.
Wobenzyme N: This is a proteolytic enzyme that will dissolve parasites and other noxious substances in the bowel. Taken on an empty stomach in relatively large doses may cause diarrhea, this is not necessarily a bad thing temporarily.
Canplex: Parasitic infections seem to usually be accompanied by yeast or fungal infections. This excellent product usually resolves the yeast in about 2 to 4 weeks if diet and other complications are addressed.
LiverLife: as the parasites are broken down the liver must neutralize their toxins. A good liver and kidney drainage remedy is essential. LiverLife (follow directions on the label) also rejuvenates the liver and immune system and protects against toxins. Another good product is Hepata*Trope, 2 capsules 2 times daily.
Hepata*Trope: This complete lipotropic formula is used for detoxifying fats, chemicals and other toxins from the liver and gallbladder. Parasites create large amounts of toxins in the body, which the liver is responsible for removing them from the blood. Hepata*Trope assists the liver in this process.
In general, the more obstacles involved the longer and more difficult the treatment. The more the abdomen protrudes the greater the chance of ongoing infection.
There is apparently a vicious cycle initiated by amalgam fillings. A fundamental principle of good health is the thorough chewing of food, yet every bite puts friction on the filling and a small amount of mercury is released into the saliva. It travels into the gut inflaming the lumen, harming the flora, and damaging the Peyer's patches (which produce white blood cells). The immunity goes down and candida appears. The person is now a great host for any parasite. If the person has a gold filling as well and acidic saliva, a galvanic current is present which precipitates the mercury out of the filling at a greater speed. Obviously, they need to see a biologically oriented dentist as the ADA party line still maintains that amalgams are harmless.
According to the best information, there is a 50% chance that most labs will misdiagnose a parasitic infection. Fortunately, your best guide is that if you feel better, you're actually getting better. Signs of improved GI tract health are having one easy bowel movement per meal per day that requires little to no wiping with tissue paper, no digestive upset or abdominal pain, normal appetite and weight, a flat and soft abdomen, clear headedness, low to no fecal odor, and absence of tiredness following a meal.
Silver & Clove is entirely compatible with Western anti parasite medications. If you take Silver & Clove while using Western medications for parasites, be sure to add Sacaromyces Boulardii (2 to 3 times a day before meals) and a liver support remedy like BioRay's LiverLife or Hepata*trope to your protocol.

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