Parasites DIY Cure

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Parasites
  • Cistus incanus (Rock Rose herbal tea) is more potent than any other agent known for biofilms. Crosses the blood-brain barrier and is 100% absorbed in the gut. It is antiviral. Can rebrew the tea 4 times. Whitens the teeth (also a biofilm which causes yellow teeth), body fluid smells and odors reduce.
  • Parasite patients often express the psyche of the parasites – sticky, clingy, impossible to tolerate – but a wonderful human being is behind all of that.
  • Mimosa Pudica (Sensitive Plant)
  • We are all a composite of many personalities. Our consciousness is a composite of 90% microbes and 10% us. Our thinking, feeling, creativity, and expression are 90% from the microbes within us. Patients often think, crave, and behave as if they are the parasite. Our thinking is shaded by the microbes thinking through us. The food choices, behavioral choices, and who we like is the thinking of the microbes within us expressing themselves.
  • Patients will reject all treatments that affect the issue that requires treating. Patients will not guide themselves to health when the microbes have taken over.
  • Parasites induce changes in our system to make us a comfortable host.

  • Mimosa Pudica (Sensitive plant) powder is an Ayurvedic herb that is 30 times stronger than the best medical drug. Start with 1/2 teaspoon twice a day two days a week and work up to 1 teaspoon daily for 3 months.
  • The endothelium is the largest organ in the body and is “bug heaven”.
Dr. Simon Yu – Parasites
  • Most parasites are outside of the intestinal tract. They are deceptive, adaptive, and difficult to eradicate.
  • Parasites bring bacteria, viruses, and fungi with them.
  • Parasites can control your mind.
  • Clove oil may be helpful. Black Walnut, Wormwood, Artemisia, and Citrus Seed may be useful.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Mold
Toxic Mold – Stachybotrys chartarum showing the hyphae fruiting structures and spores mag 300x
  • When two mold cultures were separated in a research experiment and one was exposed to EMF while the other was not, the one exposed to EMF had 600 times more toxic biotoxins and its growth rate was dozens of times faster.
  • It may be the case that EMF itself may not harm our body’s cells, but it may impact the microbes within us which results in more biotoxins.
  • Molds create biotoxins (mycotoxins) to defend themselves.
  • Chlorella + Fish oil can be a very powerful combination.
  • The intelligence of normal bacteria to that of mold is like that of a cabbage to an elephant. Molds are far more critical than bacteria. Parasites are elephants squared.
  • Molds incorporate heavy metals to protect themselves from white blood cells. The white blood cells are killed by mercury, but the molds are not.
  • MSH is a hypothalamic peptide which is involved in cytokine release. Low levels are associated to mold, MARCoNS (staph), EMF, and Lyme.
  • MSH may be increased with inhalation of Myrrh oil using a diffuser (not a nebulizer). It may give back energy. Dramatically raises MSH. Forget ATP, CoQ10, glutathione, etc. Bring up MSH and you see a miracle. Tincture of myrrh is a good antimicrobial as well.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Lyme Disease
  • It is important to remember that one can have Lyme disease and that may not be the cause of the symptoms. There could be 50 other things that are causing the symptoms.
  • Microbes exist in communities. Lyme surrounds itself with Staph, Strep, Mycoplasma, and molds.
  • Symptoms are rarely caused by the Lyme spirochete. Joint pain is often the result of Rickettsia, Mycoplasma, or Clostridia. Gut issues are often related to parasites or Babesia. Borrelia alters the immune system and opens the door for other infections but does not generally create significant symptoms itself.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – General
  • Heavy metal symptoms are identical to Lyme, to Mold, to PTSD. The common final pathway is the detox pathway. Mold must be processed through the same liver and kidney as mercury. The detox system is severely overwhelmed in our modern world. There are 200,000 chemicals in the environment. Difficulty with the elimination of biotoxins presents in the same way.
  • Electrosmog acidifies and shuts down the kidneys.
  • Acidity is treatable, but being too alkaline is much more concerning – especially when there is no undulation/variation in the pHs.
  • Acid vs. Alkaline Water – has tried various alkaline water instruments and does not feel that they do anything. Alkaline water is not where the gold is at.
  • Protozoa are more advanced than bacteria and viruses and on the same level as the molds.
  • Asperger’s is 20 times more common in boys than in girls. Testosterone has a negative synergistic effect with mercury, EMFs, etc.
  • The first boy is generally the most challenged as he gets 2/3 of the mother’s toxicity.
  • Radiation – sea salt baths in hot water. Chlorella and cilantro. Chaparral. DMPS. SSKI (TriQuench) – 7 drops a day for 7-10 days for acute exposure, then less than 1 drop per day for maintenance.
  • Germans with parents from WWII all have KPU. It is passed down epigenetically through the methylation pathways.
  • Clostridia in the gut can be involved in KPU; treat infections to address KPU.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Nasal Staph
  • Remove “gunk” from nasal mucous membranes. May use a neti pot. 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, Alkala, or Tri-Salts and 1 teaspoon of xylitol. Xylitol bloats bacteria and they then die. Molds and staph are drawn to xylitol and are then killed. Use warm water.
  • Reset the immune system and the mucous membranes by using an auto-urine nasal spray. One can get a saline nasal spray bottle at a drugstore and dump out the contents. It can then be filled with one’s own urine and a drop of SSKI (iodine). SSKI disrupts the cell walls and exposes the cell organelles to the immune system. Nasal auto-urine is done for 2-3 months to balance the immune system. Introduces your urine to the “sleeping beauty” (your immune system). Some drink 1/2 glass of urine twice daily to stimulate the immune system in the gastrointestinal tract as well.
  • The majority of humans are infected with chronic sinusitis. 25-30% of “normal” humans have staph in their nasal passages. Low back pain is often present. The veins of the lower body and the upper sinus are connected.
Dr. Stephen Fry – Biofilms
Complexity of biofilm. ©2003 Center for Biofilm Engineering Montana State University-Bozeman
  • Biofilms are a structured community of bacterial cells enclosed in a self-produced polymer matrix and adherent to an inert of living surface.
  • Slime in a stream is biofilm.
  • Biofilm is an aggregate of microorganisms where cells adhere to each other and/or to a surface.
  • Dental plaque is a biofilm community.
  • Biofilms contain calcium, iron, and magnesium.
  • Chronic sinusitis is a biofilm. Dental issues are related to biofilms.
  • Once you treat parasites and fungus, bacteria much more easily go away.
  • Dr. Klinghardt suggested that liposomal artemisinin may be helpful here given that these microbes love fats and that artemisinin/Artemisia is shown to be powerful against protozoan organisms such as malaria.


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