Using Kombucha/fermented foods and antimicrobial tinctures for Lyme

Cure Lyme Disease

Why Kombucha (available here) and my Lyme tincture combination is giving me back my strength..... the digestive enzymes in the kombucha and fermented foods combined with Lyme tincture(available here) antimicrobial herbs hits the spot.  

This is information for those with Chronic Lyme or who have no insurance and no way to pay for conventional Lyme treatment. Always, if you can, see a Lyme literate physician.

I have a friend who has had chronic Lyme for over 20 years without knowing it. He remembers having a bulls eye rash many years ago followed by flu like symptoms that resolved. Currently he sees a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who is Lyme literate. He has been treated extensively with IV therapy yet the disease persists even though his last IV treatments did him well for just over 2 years.

His doctor, who is Lyme literate and spends much time attending seminars and treating Lyme patients, has started to use a new protocol to dissolve the Lyme cyst that is the cause of chronic Lyme. Destroying the cyst has always been the main issue with treating chronic Lyme, as it is believed that the cysts are buried deep in tendons and other dense tissues and literally hides from treatments. As far as they know no antibiotic has been able to penetrate the cyst so long antibiotic therapies have been required to keep killing the spirochete until all the cysts deteriorate on their own. This has proven to be years for some and for others no cure has been possible.

The new protocol to dissolve the cysts follows and must be done in a very specific way and can be used in conjunction with other Lyme treatments, including conventional antibiotics.

My neighbor’s recent flair of Lyme was not nearly as severe as his previous episode so they decided to treat at home with out IVs. They used 
Samento Tincture, Lyme Nosode, (a homeopathic preparation), and Colloidal Silver. The new part of the protocol that breaks open the cyst is high powered digestive enzymes. It is essential to destroy the cyst then hit it hard with your antibiotic or whatever antimicrobial treatment you are using to kill the bacteria as soon as they pour out of the cyst before they can form new cysts. 

If cysts remain in the body eventually they will break open and your infection starts to surge again as the microbes spill out and start replicating.

This treatment has been effective for him this time around. After about a week his herx reactions abated. I would think that doing the enzymes on a routine basis with an antimicrobial will eventually get all the cysts and prevent new ones from forming and further episodes of acute illness. I think it would take quite a while and it would be difficult to know exactly when to stop.

The doctor that prescribed this treatment for him uses a Dark Field Live Blood Analysis Microscope to diagnose the cyst and I have seen the photos of them. He is now ten months post his last treatment protocol and he is doing well.
A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to meet my friends doctor. His name is Dr West in Pocatello, Idaho. He seemed delighted and enthused to tell me what he has discovered about lyme though his practice. He has a dark field live blood analysis microscope in his office. This test is non-billable to insurance and the device is not FDA approved.

He showed me many photos of the lyme spirochete taken through this microscope and how the cyst is affected by the use of antibiotic drugs. The drugs actually push the organism to change forms. Eventually it goes into what is called the cyst form that is initially started when the spirochete literally grabs its tail and forms a circle, encapsulates itself and within this cyst reproduction ensues. I saw photos from more advanced electron microscopes that showed the cyst loaded with smaller spirochetes.

Doctor West told me that Dark Field Live Blood Analysis is the only form of diagnosis that is fully reliable. Many false negatives are obtained from the other tests as the immune system fluctuates in its ability to fight the microbes and in so doing the antigens that come from this fight fluctuate. Sometimes they are there and sometimes they are not. For some patients many tests were required to pick up on the antigens and then when they do the question always remains, was the test right in light of all the previous negatives. Also much time is lost in initiating treatment.

I saw slides that presented up to 20 cysts in one sample under the scope. After series of treatments the cysts had been reduced to only 2 or 3. Eventually that patient cured.

Some Lyme doctors still do not believe that there is cyst formation in Lyme disease. I have seen photos of the cyst with two different advanced microscopes. The photo of the cyst from the electron microscope clearly showed spirochetes inside the cyst. It is time for these doctors to wake up and look at the evidence. 

Find the research by Professor Robert W Bradford and Henry W Allen, The article is entitled “Lyme Disease, Potential Plague of the 21stCentury. Detection Problems Resolved by Imaging with the Bradford Variable Projection High Resolution Microscope” – copy write Bradford Research Institute. The article can be found in the Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients - January 2005

The core of the home treatment is TAO free Samento, colloidal silver and a strong enzyme product.

I suspect that
MMS may be substituted for the colloidal silver  and  Samento.

What is known is that MMS is a powerful anti-microbial and anti-parasitic and is especially powerful in blood born disease. Because many people have used MMS to try to treat their Lyme and have found it partially effective, in other words reduction of symptoms and increase of strength, I would assume that it could work. The downfall with MMS as with so many other Lyme treatments is that it does not beak open the cyst.

The enzyme part of the protocol is essential and cannot be bypassed.

The Enzyme product Dr West uses is called Marcozyme from Marco Pharma Int.
Roseburg, Oregon 97470

They are very high powered enzymes and one dose for Lyme, 5 capsules/tablets equals:
Amalayse 27,500 usp
Protease 26,500 usp
Lipase 5,700 usp

These are very high dosages of enzymes and I think you may need physican assistance or someone licensed such as a nurse to help you purchase this product. But there is nothing to stop you from finding another similar product with a good reputation and taking enough to match the dosage. 

Another is Puristat and only one tablet should be needed per dose.

Do not take these enzyme products if you have gastritis or ulcers. Heal that condition first.

These enzymes are for dissolving the cyst and it is essential to come in exactly one hour after taking the enzymes with your antimicrobial or antibiotic to clean up all the pathogens that have been released from the enzyme digested cyst.

The protocol is to take no food for 2 hours.
take 5 enzyme pills (of Marcozyme, dosage may be different with another product) which delivers the above stated amount of enzymes.
wait one hour – set a timer.
Samento or MMS
If using only Samento take your colloidal silver now also.
Do this twice a day.
Do not eat for two hours after the enzymes. Set a timer again.
You want these enzymes to be circulating in your blood not digesting your last meal.

Use the
Samento tincture with the colloidal silver or use the MMS for killing the bacteria that the cyst will release when it is broken.

Samento tincture: start with two drops in a little water. If your microbe load is large you may feel sick after taking it. This is a detox. Take 2 drops for your next dose if you tolerated the first OK.. As you become able to tolerate your dosage increase by one drop with each dose. If you can’t tolerate a dosage increase do not do it. Take the last dosage that you could reasonably tolerate. Work up to 15 drops two times a day one hour after the enzymes. If you are using Samento this is also the time to take the colloidal silver. Take at least one ounce.

ASAP, Mesosilver or Nutrasilver are
 colloidal silver  products that are recommended.

To learn about the new protocol applications for
MMS go Jim Humble's website. Three doses a day are no longer recommended. Smaller more frequent dosages are tolerated better. For Lyme increase as described for the Samento, as tolerated, up to 15 drops for your two dosages a day preceded by enzymes. You should take more MMS though the day as it is pretty clear that MMS is only active in the body for no more than two hours. I would want MMS in the body continually even if it was a smaller dose like 4 or 6 drops every two hours, but continue to work up in dosage for those doses that are preceded by enzymes. No definitive protocol with MMS for Lyme has yet been developed. Many people are currently working on it.

Using Kombucha and Lyme Tincture

For kombucha starting pack  questions email

The human gut is home to around 400 different species of healthy and unhealthy bacteria. The healthy bacteria is forced to share their environment with unhealthy bacteria such as Salmonella, E. Coli and Clostridium. The way to maintain a balance between good and bad bacteria is to maintain good digestive health by creating stable "microflora". 

Kombucha contains beneficial bacteria in the form of Lactobacillus Acidophilus, as well as dozens of other probiotic strains. By ingesting Kombucha, we can increase the amounts of good bacteria to maintain a healthy digestive tract. Kombucha has been known to possess anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal components which make it an powerful addition to the health conscious individual. 
When Kombucha first enters the digestive system it coats the stomach with digestive enzymes and live probiotic organisms. These healing elements of the live Kombucha culture immediately begin breaking down undigested foods, toxicity, and wastes produced by pathogenic bacteria that often interferes with our normal digestive processes. Kombucha breaks down these harmful substances before they are able to enter the blood stream, and converts them into a form which can easily be disposed of by the body.

The live, active cultures present in Kombucha remain dormant until they come into contact with the sugars in the digestive system. Kombucha thrives on these excess sugars and binds to toxins commonly found in the diet, clearing the way for the body to absorb the full nutrient content of the foods we eat. While the probiotics in Kombucha are detoxifying the digestive system, they are also producing organic acids and B Vitamins which speed the cleansing process, creating a wealth of rejuvenating effects throughout the body. 

The boost of probiotic strains provided by Kombucha helps to flush out harmful bacteria and pathogens by regulating the level of acidity in the digestive tract.

Enzymes contained in Kombucha


Organic Acids contained in Kombucha: 

Glucuronic Acid 
Hyaluronic Acid 
Lactic Acid 
Malic Acid 
Chondroitin sulfate 
Tannic Acid 
Usnic Acid 

B Vitamins found in Kombucha: 

B1 - Thiamine 
B2 - Riboflavin 
B3 - Niacin 
B6 – Pyridoxine 
B9 - Folic Acid 
B12 – Cobalmin 

FYI- The first recorded use of kombucha was in 221 B.C. during the Chinese empire of the Tsin-Dynasty. They called it “The remedy for immortality” or the “divine tische”. 

In 414 A.D. Dr. Kombu from Korea brought kombucha to Japan to treat the Japanese emperor Inkyo. From Japan, this incredible tonic spread to Russia, Europe, and India

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