Tick Bite - guidelines and links

1. How To Remove a Tick

2. Where to Send the Tick for Testing

If you find a tick attached to you, your children or a pet, you can keep it and send it to one of these labs for testing. Click on the following labs for instructions on what to do with the tick.



Clongen Labs

UConn Tick Testing

3. What to Show your Doctor to make sure you get proper Treatment

  • In a June 2013 CDC Health Advisory the CDC Says
‘Doxycycline is the recommended drug for prophylaxis of Lyme disease; alternatives have not been tested for efficacy. Providers should be judicious in its use following a tick bite.’
You can find this in Line 2 of the Advisory attached Below. If you had an attached tick you should get on doxycycline to prevent disease from occuring.
  • Here are the Ilads Lyme Disease Treatment Guidelines
  •  From Dr Murarkami:
( Past Canlyme director.)
The tick on the body for any time can spread the disease and I have had cases of ticks on less than 2 hours and get Lyme disease. The tick should be kept for identification PCR and culture and you can take the tick to your primary care physician.The epidemic of Lyme disease is world wide and every country has this infection even though Canada denies this serious problem. We have the highest MS in the world and the least cases of Lyme disease in the world all starting at the Alaska -Canada border and the 49th Paralell. The treatment is for three weeks minimum at this stage of this disease . If symptoms persist the co-infections must be considered a possibility and appropriate tests conducted.

Dr Buhner on Recent Tick Bites

Treating Lyme naturally.

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