Wild Smoothies

Go outside and find a wild spot (not sprayed with anything...nothing...no dog pee, synthetic fertilizer, pesticides, etc.) and start picking until you have quite a bunch of yummy fresh juicy wild edibles like dandelion,(paardebloem) chickweed, stinging nettle, cherry leaves, hawthorn leaves,ground elder (vogelmuur, brandnetel, kersen bladeren, meidoorn bladeren, zevenblaad) etc.

...and mix everything together into a nice green life-giving smoothie!

The leaves are high on Vitamin E, as well as vitamin C, they’re rich in antioxidants, 
minerals, flavonoids and fiber. Dishes containing Ground Elder are easily 
digestible, and have cleansing properties – so they’re good for that spring-time detox
Edible Parts: Leaves and stems.
Leaves – raw or cooked. Eaten raw they are more nutritious though! The taste 
reminds of celery. The leaves are best harvested before the plant comes into 
flower, they can be used in salads, soups, or cooked as a vegetable. If you cut it 

down once in a while or pick it, it will come back young and tender.

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